We're grateful for your financial support to our common life! 

The best way to give monthly is through PAR - a trustworthy system operated by the United Church - where money is withdrawn each month from your bank account and credited to us. To register for that, please fill out this form. Once it's ready, just attach a blank/voided cheque - and hand it to our treasurer - currently Rob Crosby-Shearer - or email a scan of the form and voided cheque to treasurer@emmauscommunity.ca.   PAR is withdrawn on the 20th of each month.   

You can also gives to the AbbeyChurch / Emmaus Community by donating online through CanadaHelps.   Please select option 3 'Emmaus Community' from the drop-down menu here. You can select a one-time (immediate) or re-occurring donation.  This option is more convenient than PAR, but it takes a 2.6% cut.

You can also send cheques made out to "The Emmaus Community" to 1702 Belmont Avenue. Victoria BC V8R 3Z1.

We can also accept donations after worship by credit or debit card (debit preferred).  Email us for more information or catch one of our leaders after we meet on a Sunday to give this way.

We're deeply grateful for any support you can give to The Abbey / Emmaus Community.

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The AbbeyChurch (a ministry of The Emmaus Community) is grateful, over the years for support from the following:


- The Anglican Diocese of BC 

- The United Church of Canada Leadershift Church Planting Project (Pacific Mountain Regional Council)

- The mission funds of various United Church congregations and Anglican parishes.


- The United Church of Canada ProVision Fund

- The United Church of Canada Foundation New Ministries Fund

- The Anglican Foundation of Canada

- The United Church of Canada Foundation


Financal Transparency:

The total budget for the Emmaus Community and the AbbeyChurch is $80-$90,000 each year - which rents our space, covers office supplies and licensing, pays a part-time clergy  (22 hours a week each), pays our childrens' ministry interns (3 hours a week x 2), our music coordinator (6 hours per week) and occasional pulpit supply. 

We think it's a pretty good use of money - and we're always striving to be good caretakers of the abundance God provides!  We're open to suggestions.   

We currenty receive generous grants of $15,000 from The Anglican Diocese of BC and $15,000 from the Pacific Mountain Regional Council of The United Church each year - and these are set to end in 2024.  It's thus our goal to raise our monthly / committed givings an additional $30-35,000 in the next two years in donations so that we can be sustainable.

The bulk of of our income - currently about $40-50,000 per year comes from 'grassroots' givings - mostly through monthly committments, as well as some 'mission' donations from other parishes / congregations. 

We're also aware that AbbeyChurch happens due to the sacrificial volunteer labour of many, including our unpaid volunteer honorary clergy, who work elsewhere, as well as very reasonable rent from our landlords at First Met United Church.  

If you'd like a copy of our budget or have other questions about our finances, please contact us at treasurer@emmauscommunity.ca.