Join us in house at Quadra and Balmoral (the former First Met building) to worship the Triune Creator God or here, online at 4pm on Sunday Continuing in the season of creation.
Matt Humphrey preaching
Rob Shearer serving at Jesus' table of welcome
The band leads in songs of praise and creation care including some Springsteen, Porter's Gate, old hymns, and chants.
Denise leads the prayers including a Mi'kmaq meditation on the Lord's Prayer
Tressa with the younger children Jake with the older kids / teens.
Reba chooses a poem. There will be bread and wine. Come.
Image: Tsartlip artist TEMOSEṈŦET - the late (Dr.) Charles W. Elliott, Eucharist and Spiritual Nourishment, 1987. Yellow cedar altar box carvings, St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Victoria, British Columbia.