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As Fall sets in, a number of things have been happening!

- The Emmaus Community membership met this week.  We made decisions which included electing Rob Shearer, ec as our new Prior and Kevin Aschenbrenner, ec as our Formation Director.  We also elected Phil Mills, ec to be our alternate Synod / Regional delegate (and will be representing us at Anglican Synod, happening in October).  We're grateful to Matt Humphrey and Rob who filled the Prior and Formation Director roles, respectively - but whose terms have come to an end.  The also passed a motion to officially make Rev. Michelle Slater  a United Church voluntary (ie honorary) minister with the AbbeyChurch. The Emmaus Community will meet twice a year for our Membership meetings as well as have a yearly retreat together.  

- You'll have noticed we hired Jake Highfield for youth ministry at AbbeyChurch (woo hoo!).  You'll see more youth activities coming up.  We also in conversation with another amazing person to come alongside the work Tressa is doing with children.  This will take a shift in our budget for 2025 - but we're excited to be more intentional and focused on children and youth!

- Speaking of budget, we're tracking along OK though our givings are a bit down a bit from where we'd hoped they'd be.  This is offset by two large donations which came in to support our common life as a community, but we still would love to continue to have spaciousness to deepen the work to which we're called.  We invite you to discern how you can support our common life!  Lynn, our treasurer will give a full update in November.

- A small group, empowered by the AbbeyChurch vision team have been working on some revised governance particularly for the AbbeyChurch side of things.  We're excited to evolve into a more democratic and participatory structure for the AbbeyChurch - and hope to hold our first official Vestry (Annual General Meeting) - with potluck, of course, on Sunday November 24th.  This will be a time to guide our common life and approve our budget.  Our new structure will draw on the ethos of Emmaus, as well as both of our denominations, who, along with the vision team and clergy, we've been working with us on this transition!

- Rev. Meagan Crosby is going to be doing some intentional work on our search for a space for Emmaus Community housing and monastic hub for our common life.  Stay tuned!

- Expect an announcement soon for a re-naming of our building (it gets a bit awkard to call it 'former First Met') as well as new signage!  We're also excited that there are conversations happening for other Christian faith communities to start using the space on Sunday mornings and other times starting this Fall.  We look forward to deeper collaboration with these folks who we feel a deep affinity with!  Lots of good things happening for the Reign of God!!!  Rob is also working with the United Church Region (building owner / manager) to ensure that long-term plans for the building serve the faith communities now and into the future.